

Read Our Dentists’ Blog


What Are Dental Implants? Dental implants are the closest you can get to healthy, natural teeth. They allow you to live the way you want to – confidently eating, smiling, laughing, talking and enjoying all of your everyday activities without worrying about your teeth.


There’s something about a bright and white smile that projects confidence and good health—it’s no wonder that so many people are in search of ways to improve the look and luster of their smiles!


We’ve all been taught to avoid sugary drinks like the plague due to their extraordinarily high sugar content.


Getting older comes with more and more cares and it gets easier to let go of some things that used to be habitual. One of the first things that tend to go is our dental hygiene.


If you’re missing a tooth, you’re not alone. According to the American College of Prosthodontics, 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth.


Your mom has told you before, and she’ll tell you again: sugary drinks and sweets cause cavities. But what, exactly, does that mean? In this blog, Clopper’s Mill Dental Care will discuss how sugary foods and beverages cause tooth decay, and what you can do to slow down or stop the tooth decay process.


According to a 2010 study by the US Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), one of every two adults over the age of 30 in the United States is projected to have gum disease at this very moment—that’s roughly 64.7 million American adults with mild, moderate, or severe gum disease!


Clopper’s Mill Dental has been the Germantown dental implant expert for years, giving area residents the most stable and most permanent prosthetic teeth solutions so they can show off their best smiles. In this blog, we’re going to answer some of your most frequently asked questions about dental implants, to help you understand the process and benefits of implants better than ever before.


Dentures are almost always associated with senior citizens. However, dentures are more common than you might think amongst younger populations. According to a Biting Into Dental Care Survey, over half of respondents (53 percent) said they received dentures for the first time before reaching age 44.


In a previous blog, the Germantown dentists at Clopper’s Mill Dental Care discussed the meaning behind dental anxiety, and how people can overcome their fears of the dentist’s office. But why do people have dental anxiety in the first place?


When you’re sitting in the dentist’s chair getting an implant, you may not be thinking about the benefits, but more about the fingers that are in your mouth.


Although their name might lead you to believe these teeth impart some sort of great knowledge into your life, the reality is that wisdom teeth are generally more of an issue than a help.


If you are someone who takes great care of your teeth, brushing and flossing religiously, it might leave you to wonder, “do I really need professional teeth cleaning?”


Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is one of the most important joints in your body, allowing you to speak and chew food freely.


The Germantown dentists at Clopper’s Mill Dental Care have discussed good habits for your teeth.


Your mouth is one of the most important parts of your body, helping you with chewing, eating, speaking, and a variety of other tasks. But it’s also worth noting that problems with your oral health can cause problems with other areas of the body—which is taking care of your mouth is extremely important.


In a previous blog post, we discussed some of the most common causes of tooth pain, how to identify them, and the course of action to take to treat them. In this blog, we’ll show you more ways that tooth pain can affect your oral and overall physical health.


As Germantown’s top-rated dentist, Clopper’s Mill Dental Care understands the importance of dental implants and how they can transform the smiles and oral health of our patients.


We all grow up as children believing certain things — Santa Claus, eating carrots will turn your eyes orange, gum will stay in your stomach for seven years, the list goes on.


If you’re afraid of the dentist’s office, ask yourself a question: why?


Here on the Clopper’s Mill Dental Care blog, we’ve spent quite a bit of time talking about oral health in regards to the teeth, gums, and jaw


In our previous blog post, the Gaithersburg dentists at Clopper’s Mill Dental Care helped you learn the signs that you might need dentures. We’ll continue on that topic here, with even more reasons that dentures might be a good idea for your oral and overall health.


If you lived on this planet, you’ve learned that brushing your teeth is important—your teachers, your doctors, and certainly your parents have told you that. But what if we told you there are reason to not brush your teeth?


Your Gaithersburg dentists at Clopper’s Mill Dental Care will answer that question for you here, outlining what cavities are, how they are caused, and how they are treated (or ideally, avoided altogether).


Dental procedures are invasive and uncomfortable by nature—but when someone says “root canal” it sends the public into a panic. However, root canals aren’t as bad as they sound—the procedure is painless and very, very necessary to preserve your oral health.

In this blog, the Gaithersburg dentists at Clopper’s Mill Dental Care will break down the basics of root canals. Read on, and rest easy—it’s going to be okay.


Emergency dental problems aren’t just a pain—they can compromise your oral health and keep you from performing some of life’s most essential tasks. In this blog, the dentists at Clopper’s Mill Dental Care will show you four of the most common dental emergencies, and how to handle them.


It’s no secret—poor dental care is a leading cause of cavities, gingivitis, and other oral health ailments. But did you realize that poor oral health affects other systems of the body as well?

In this blog, the dental team at Clopper’s Mill Dental Care will help you discover how oral health ailments ultimately lead to other health problems—a sign of how connected our bodily systems really are.


Sometimes, even with proper oral health habits, aging and years of wear and tear can take a toll on your teeth. In this blog, we’ll discuss some ways to protect your teeth as you age.


As Germantown’s dental implant and general dentistry expert, Clopper’s Mill Dental Care is dedicated to providing patients with oral health education and advanced dental treatment—and one of the most common forms of treatment is reducing and curing tooth pain. In this blog, we’ll discuss a few of the many causes of tooth pain, how they form in the mouth, how to identify them, and how to treat them.


As Germantown’s dentist of choice, Clopper’s Mill Dental Care is dedicated to helping you and your family achieve excellent oral and dental health. While we discussed great dental health for children in our previous blog, we’ll discuss oral health issues of middle-aged adults in this one. Here are a few of the most common dental problems that adults face, how to detect them, and how to treat them.


A great smile is a sign of of happiness and confidence, and a huge factor in your overall health. But if your teeth, gums, or mouth are causing you discomfort, pain, or a lack of confidence, it might be time to take steps toward better oral health. Here are a few signs that you should pay your neighborhood dentist a visit.


At Clopper’s Mill Dental Care in Germantown, we understand the health benefits of a great smile, and the confidence that comes with it.


Welcome to the Clopper’s Mill Dental Care blog! We’re excited to provide those of you who live in Germantown, Gaithersburg, and Clarksburg with simple oral health tips, advice, and education that can help you stay healthy in between visits to our dentist office. We will discuss topics such as proper brushing, healthy dental habits, common dental myths, effective oral health care techniques, and plenty of other topics can help your smile look and feel great.
